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Touring safety kit

599,00 kr
Brand: NRS

Denne sikkerhedspakke fra NRS  vil få dig i gennem de fleste situationer. Pakken indeholder pumpe, pagajflyder, fløjte og svamp. Her er der penge at spare i forhold til at købe produkterne enkeltvis! 

  • The Fox 40 Epik Whistle is a pea-less design that is ideal for water environments. It's loud, has a cushioned mouth grip and a breakaway lanyard.
  • The NRS Paddle Float is the best on the market. You only need to inflate one chamber when you need to rescue yourself; we add a second chamber for safety and dependability. Each chamber displaces 7 liters.
  • The NRS Bilge Pump is a heavy-duty pump, moving 30 liters a minute to dry your boat out in a hurry. Comes with its own foam float that saves it if lost overboard.
  • The Deluxe Boat Sponge takes out the last bit of moisture and the sand and silt that the Bilge Pump doesn't reach.