In all three boat classes which KIRK and STORGAARD build, it is especially the design and rigidity of the body which is important. It often becomes clear that a copy is a bad investment for the club because sooner or later they end up having to get the better original Jørgen Samson-model from us. It is possible that medals are a good advertisement – in this respect KIRK and STORGAARD, for obvious reasons, cannot wish for more. However we would rather be known for our good craftsmanship than for profiting by paddlers` victories.
The new K4 “COMMANDER” is especially named by all for this rigidity and for the elegant boat builders` workmanship. It is with good reason that the low bow wave is considered to be the most important factor for the increased speed. With its small bottom and strong upper body “COMMANDER” adjusts to varying loads. It can turn very closely around the buoys and is unquestionably the fastest K4 today.