Historic Models
These beautiful wooden kayaks are all discontinued, but many of them are still in service today around the world. We still do repairs and maintenance work on discontinued models. Please contact us via email mail@struerkajak.com or by phone (+45) 97 85 11 37.
Struer Kajak C1 Racing - Manitou
0,00 kr
Struer Kajak C1 Racing - Regatta
0,00 kr
Struer Kajak C2 Racing - Aspida
0,00 kr
Struer Kajak C2 Racing - Cheeta
0,00 kr
Struer Kajak C2 Racing - Sitka
0,00 kr
Struer Kajak C4 Racing - Alfa
0,00 kr
Struer Kajak K1 Racing - Espada
0,00 kr